Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mr. Nice Guy..Would You Go Away? Please.

         I can’t help but notice that the “good guys” always have some corny line opening or something uninteresting to talk about once you finally give them your number. I don’t like bad guys per say.. but it’s hard to like a good guy. I know you know why but let me break this down for those of you who don’t. The average good guy is a push over.. he always over does everything to satisfy you to the point that he is absolutely boring as hell. Not to mention (depending on the type of girl you are and you know if you possess the looks, skills, and sassiness overall) he is usually so damn insecure. No matter how you say I’m leaving this inside man (see first blog) alone to be with someone who will treat me like I deserve to be treated you get the nice guy & end up not being happy at all. What the hell is the problem? Is there no median?? You have to take the good with the bad..but who wants to be miserable all in the name of love? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t *sighs* truly mind boggling to say at the least.
         As women we always like to feel as if the guy has changed. We stay with the bad guy praying that one day we can say “he changed for me”. Why don’t we like the guy who doesn’t need to be changed, tamed, or beat upside the head with a frying pan? Simple. It’s the thrill of all the drama and nonsense that comes along with the bad boys. We could be in a relationship with two men. One who wants to marry us, buy a house, and move away to start a family, and one who has commitment issues, lives with his mammy, and makes you get an abortion every time he doesn’t pull out on time.  Who do you think gets more attention? Surely not the one who treats you like a queen…because he is so repetitive and just too damn nice.
       I don’t know if it’s a cure for this need of just a little bit of “aint shitness” syndrome. But, I do know this. The guy who never forgets to text you good morning everyday & good night every evening, treats you with respect even though you ignore most of his text messages, cheers you up when the other guy hurts your feelings, compliments every hairstyle or every outfit you have ever put on, remembers your favorite color, your hobbies, and the co-worker you can’t stand name should be the one you’re checking for. We complain about alllll of these ain’t shit men in the world but then when we finally find someone who takes the time to learn us, love us & care…we call them our bff or we get them, use & abuse them & turn them into everything he wasn’t for the next broad. 
    Even if your man isn’t like the inside man and he is indeed your man does that exempt him from being someone you shouldn’t be with? It definitely does not. You know what’s acceptable & what’s not; you know the situations that you’re too ashamed to tell your friends about? Well, it shouldn’t be that many situations like that. YES, uncertainty can be exciting. The bad guy does possess desired traits and this makes him appealing, but NO we shouldn’t fail to see his BAD intentions. Now, of course every theory can be misconstrued. I’m not saying every corny guy who appears to be nice is in fact a good guy! I’m not saying that the bad guy won’t change for you when you threaten to leave. All I’m saying is to think with your head & not with your heart. Funny how we can know when our phone bill is due but still wait until the day of.. or until it gets cut off before we pay it.