Monday, August 27, 2012

Struggles of a Single Girl...

       Accept or dismiss.. the story of a single girl's life. One false move and you're forever scarred or even become a bitter Betty. Contrary to popular belief.. giving out your number, going on a date, and having sex with someone can change your entire life including changing who you can & cannot associate yourself with from that point on. If you're going to accept you have to be very selective being that it would clearly be annoying as hell to have alot of "so what do you look for in a guy" text in your inbox. If you dismiss; you could be missing out on great potential.
    So let's just say you're at an event...every guy who glances your way & approaches you hopes you don't embarrass them by not giving the number up. You eventually get tired of saying "I have a boyfriend" since it doesn't mean anything anyway to the savages & indulge in a funny & harmless convo making you notice potential. So you exchange numbers with him. You begin texting him & liking how fast he responds to your text..this is perfect since you don't like talking on the phone so of course you two end up going on date. On the date, you notice there isn't any spark, nothing he says is keeping you interested in the conversation and now you're anxious to get home so you can subtweet about the boring date. Leaving the restaurant you spot some onlookers but very familiar faces.  "Damn" you say to yourself.. "please don't let them see me".. and right in the middle of your panic he turns to you and says "let me go holla at my homies for a minute be right back" & plants a kiss on your lips. Wait, he hadn't touched you during the date at all and now all of a sudden he's gotten the urge to kiss you??? You barely move because you're shocked by his actions. Then you remember there are witnesses, you recheck the food dish & picstich of your fly ass outfit you uploaded on instagram earlier & noticed he's uploaded one as well with part of your shirt in the picture & it's gotten more than 40 likes...what to do? No matter what you do you have just been seen out "hugged up & kissing" some guy, what you thought? You know people exaggerate everything! So now you have a "man".
Now the flip side of this. You meet a guy, text him, love his convo, enjoy spending time with him, the sex is good & you begin losing interest in everybody else. You stop giving out your number under the impression things maybe getting serious even though you just met his ass 3 weeks ago. But "so what", you think within those 3 weeks you've managed to spend almost everyday together.."he has to be feeling the same way." During the 4th week you notice he's becoming distant.. so you text him "what's going on with us" he unapologetically text back "us? I didn't know there was an us, we just been kicking it..and now I think we should slow down cause you're developing feelings that I'm not ready for..we're just moving too fast."
   You're more than crushed. You have been telling your girls about him, tweeting about him, instagraming pics of the places you've gone with him, and have been only texting and calling him since the two of you have been hanging out.
This is a vicious cycle for a single girl, we date, figure out we don't like the person, get spotted & assumptions are made. Or, we meet a guy, spend too much time in a short period & fall hard & strong for him. It's not that its planned & you're clingy.. it just sort of happens.
   Now if you're attractive &'re a hoe anyway. And if you're always in a relationship you're insecure & can't live without a man. We can't win. No sense in trying to argue with society. Lmao.
So what do you do??? You invest your time into something that will better you. "Love on your own time" in the words of a good friend.. when everything rises and sets on your ass disappointments won't be as disappointing.. & if all else fails. Do you but remember.... Perception can very well be reality.
Until next time...